Phthalates are about as good for you as the word sounds.

If a wacky scientist was to synthetically make them in a lab, here is what he would do:

He would mix phthalic anhydride with alcohol(s): [Methanol (C1), Ethanol (C2), all the way up to Tridecyl (C13) with the resultant end product being phthalates. Phthalates are used primarily as softeners for polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a thick plastic that has gained wide spread use in the construction industry. It is the pipe that has replaced the old “cast iron” drainage lines.

The industries of the world have discovered, just as we have, plasticizers (added to plastics to increase its flexibility, durability and longevity)[1]; we can add these same phthalates to many different products to obtain similarly desired results.

Phthalates are used in many different applications ranging from: the pharmaceutical industry, (where the pills are coated), to personal care products, to adhesives, to waxes and glues, to children’s toys, to building materials, and even to foods. [2] This list is very small in comparison to all of phthalates many diverse usages.

Phthalates are everywhere!

Whether we look beneath the ground where plumbing pipes lay, on house walls which have been freshly painted, or in medicine cabinets where prescription bottles sit, phthalates have a presence.

To make exceptional decisions, we must be first well informed. This is why we at AMG Naturally, have, and do, invest countless hours researching new resources, searching for natural, not synthetically produced PHTHALATES (which are inexpensive and easily accessible). But, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, phthalates may be causing many problems in the human body.

AMG Naturally, has a commitment to keeping our products natural and phthalate free. You, the consumer deserve no less, and we plan to keep our commitment. So get ready for THE BEST PRODUCT ON THE MARKET- AMG Naturally!

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