Are your skin care products disrupting your hormones?

Endocrine Disruptors

We share this article with you today because this week is “Endocrine Disruptor Week” on Facebook!! Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the body’s endocrine (hormonal) system. Sex hormones including estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, are produced in the adrenal glands which sit atop the kidneys. Hormones are chemical messengers that affect cells in other parts of the body. Their normal mode of transportation throughout the body is via the bloodstream. A disruption which is a type of break or gap will cause a deficiency of some type.

The severity of the deficiency will normally depend on the stage in the development process (age), when the disruption occurs. Hormonal deficiencies to the fetus can cause many problems, one being inhibiting of fetal brain development. Lack of hormones in a pregnant woman can cause birth defects such as anogenital (shortening of the distance between anus and genital), hypospadias or epispadias (defects of the location of the penile opening) and many other birth defects, developmental disorders and even cancerous tumors.

As we move up in age, disruptions can cause early onset of puberty in young girls, miscarriages to an expectant mother, tumors, many types of cancers and even death. These endocrine disruptors often mimic estrogen, and due to their similar composition are able to bind to the receptor sites. Once bound to the receptor sites these mimickers block the hormones from performing their specific role – thus a deficiency is created.

Parabens are synthetic chemicals used for generations as preservatives in deodorants, antiperspirants, shampoos, moisturizers, shaving gels, pharmaceuticals, toothpaste, food additives and makeup. Parabens are alkyl esters of parahydroxylbenzoic acid. Parabens have long allegations of being endocrine disruptors.

Phthalate are produced when we react phthalic anhydride with alcohol(s), methanol (C1), Ethanol (C2) to tridecyl(C13). Phthalates are “plastic softeners” or plasticizers and are used in many applications ranging from: pharmaceutical industry (time release capsules) to personal care products, to adhesives, to waxes and glues, to children’s toys, to building materials and even to foods.

Phthalates have been under scrutiny for many years with allegations of them being endocrine disruptors. Many travesties have occurred in peoples’ lives as a result of misinformation. We at AMG Naturally believe the more informed society is, the better decisions individuals will make. We teach people to read ingredient labels and to better understand what they are putting both in and on their bodies.

Many different products have been thought to be endocrine disruptors. There are states where many products alleged to be endocrine disruptors have been “banned”, and “class action” lawsuits are now in place. The good news is, there is something we can all do about preventing these serious health problems. We should start with choosing cosmetic companies that design their products with the intention of “first do no harm”. We can all get involved in educating others. Ask your friends to read the blogs written by nutritionists at AMG Naturally, an all-natural, synthetic chemical-free line of anti-aging skin care products. Ask more people to visit our Facebook page and Like and Share. AMG Naturally is committed to keeping our products free of parabens and phthalates (possible endocrine disruptors) and all synthetic chemicals. Visit to learn more. Our blog on parabens summarizes the research you should be aware of. Our blog on phthalates does as well. Let’s get healthy, stay healthy and Age More Gracefully.

Linda Lizotte
