Look for these chemical names in “rinse-off” products like shampoos, conditioners, hair colors, body washes, laundry detergents, liquid hand soaps, bubble bath, hand dishwashing soaps, and shampoo/conditioner combinations.

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  • How to Detect Phthalates in Your Beauty Products

    What are phthalates?

    Phthalates are a group of chemicals commonly used as preservatives in products ranging from cosmetics to pharmaceuticals. When phthalic anhydride is reacted with alcohol(s) [methanol (C1), ethanol (C2), to tridecyl (C13)], the end products are used primarily as softeners or plasticizers for polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

    These plasticizers increase the flexibility, durability, and longevity of plastics. You can imagine how lucrative this is for the manufacturers on the world market. This is good for the manufacturers, not so good for us.

    Why are phthalates bad for you?

    Here’s why: University research studies have shown 100 out of 100 Washingtonians tested had phthalate concentrations in their urine samples. (1) Other studies point to it possibly being a carcinogen (defined as anything with potential to cause cancer) as well as them being endocrine system disruptors (interfere with healthy hormone metabolism and production). (2) Such hormone disruption can result in cancerous tumors, birth defects and other disorders depending on what age the disruption occurs.

    How to protect yourself from phthalates?

    To help protect ourselves from chemicals such as these, we must become label conscious. When reading labels don’t believe this: “phthalate free”. Also be aware of phthalates being hidden under the term “fragrance” on the label. Many products that say this are banking on the fact that you do not know how to detect phthalates in their products. The purpose of this article is to educate you on how to look for these chemical plasticizers in the products you use on your skin, hair and body. Phthalates are added to fragrances to make the “scents” last longer. Why is this so important? Ingredients should smell like nature and absorb quickly, so why would the smell matter after that?

    There are over 4000 ingredients covered under the “fragrance umbrella”. (3) Since the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) considers “fragrance” to be proprietary, the manufacturer’s ingredients can and will remain a “secret”. It is only necessary for “fragrance” to be listed on the label. My jaw dropped when I learned this fact.

    So, let’s get to the bottom of this and FACE the fact that we need to be our own detectives. This is what you should look for in your personal care products and AVOID at all costs (throw them away!). Also, remember that the only expensive product is one that doesn’t work and one that worsens YOUR health. BOTH!! As a matter of fact, if it ends in a P it PROBABLY belongs in the garbage and not in your PANTRY because it is PLASTIC and POISONOUS. BOTH!!

    Look for these ingredients in your beauty products:

    • DBP (dibutyl phthalate)
    • DINP (diisononyl phthalate)
    • DEP (diethyl phthalate)
    • DEHP (di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate)
    • DMP (dimethyl phthalate)
    • BBP (benzyl butyl phthalate)
    • DNOP (di-n-octyl phthalate)
    • DIDP (diisodecyl phthalate)

    4 Tips to Avoid Phthalates:

    1. Choose healthier personal care items. SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT AMG AND HOW NATURAL IT IS…Naturally Green and Naturally Clean. Chemicals will make you AGE FASTER. Avoiding chemicals, including smoking, will help you AGE MORE GRACEFULLY. Get the EWG Skin Deep Quick Tips for Safer Cosmetics shopping guide – perfect to carry in your wallet!
    2. Avoid plastic toys. Opt instead for wooden toys or organic cotton variety.
    3. Avoid PVC/vinyl flooring and shower curtains. Look for flooring made of reclaimed wood, tile, concrete, cork or natural linoleum. Choose hemp, organic cotton or linen shower curtains instead of vinyl.
    4. Avoid toxic air fresheners. Phthalates are used in air fresheners to maintain their lingering fragrance. Instead, try making your own with essential oils of rose or citrus or BOTH!!

    We need to remain committed to dedication to education in the area of toxins in our skin care. In August 2008, a bill was signed to permanently prohibit three types of phthalates: DEHP, DBP, and BBP in the concentration of more than 0.1% in “children’s toys” or “child care articles.” Also, the state of California announced an impending ban on the use of phthalates in toys and childcare products intended for babies and children under the age of 3.

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  • New Trend-Why Oils Are So Good For Your Skin

    Give back to your skin this SUMMER with AMG Naturally Botanical Elixir

    New trends are always coming and going, so, sometimes it can be hard to find that new “it” product. AMG Naturally prides itself in offering consumers all-natural Medical Grade anti-aging cosmetics. These products are top-of- the- line and contain ingredients that are plant based, non- GMO, vegan, and GLUTEN FREE.

    Yes, people are putting oil on their faces! You may ask “Why do I want to put oil on my face”? Perhaps your skin is already oily. Face oils are extremely beneficial for your skin. You don’t want to use just any oil, you want AMG BOTANICAL ELIXIR.

    Moringa olefiera Seeds

    AMG’s Botanical Elixir for skin and hair contains a synergistic blend of Moringa oil with Sacha Inchi oil. The oils in this blend come from two very healthy, nutritionally dense plants: Moringa oil from the seeds of the “Miracle” Moringa tree and Sacha Inchi oil, from Sacha Inchi seeds, which are surprisingly high in omega 3 fatty acids.

    Omega 3 fatty acids are commonly known for their anti-inflammatory effect. Omega 3s can greatly benefit your skin in many amazing ways. Omega 3 helps to regulate oil production in your skin, so having plenty of these essential oils keeps your skin hydrated and prevents dry, dull skin. Omega 3 not only protects skin against sun damage, it also aids skin repair. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) can help prevent the release of enzymes that destroy collagen, warding off sagging skin and wrinkles. With continued use, this elixir has the potential of ridding acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema and redness of the skin due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial benefits. It should be used on skin and hair one or more times a day. This will actually make your skin more able to protect itself from damaging effects of sun exposure (UVA and UVB), known to cause free radicals, especially when supported with antioxidants found both in the oils and in AMG’s other products found in the 5 STEP SKIN CARE KIT.

    Sacha inchi Seeds

    Nature knows best.

    Natural is always better than man-made. Nature naturally packed these two plants with antioxidants including all of the naturally occurring forms of vitamin E, and anti-inflammatory botanicals.

    Oils are lipophilic, “fat loving”, so they pass through your skin to the lipid layer, preventing water loss and plumping the skin with moisture more effectively. Because the structure of Moringa oil is similar to sebum, the oil produced by your skin, it absorbs quickly as if the body recognizes it and accepts it. This also causes the skin to step down its own oil production making it excellent for oily skin and for those suffering from ACNE. The Botanical Elixir oil used daily, along with the Hydrating Spray Mist containing 72 minerals, is clearing up troublesome acne in a matter of weeks.

    So, if you’re looking to “hop” on the “trend wagon”, this is a great place to start. Give back to your skin with AMG’s Botanical Elixir. Stay educated by reading Linda Lizotte’s blogs www.AMG


    The sacha inchi plant has unigenes that encode for desaturase enzymes (humans also use desaturase enzymes for metabolism and conversion of fatty acids!) allowing the plant to synthesize omega 3 fats.

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  • Are Your Skin Care Products Disrupting Your Hormones?

    What are Endocrine Disruptors?

    We share this article with you today because this week is “Endocrine Disruptor Week” on Facebook!! Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with the body’s endocrine (hormonal) system.

    Sex hormones including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, are produced in the adrenal glands which sit atop the kidneys. Hormones are chemical messengers that affect cells in other parts of the body. Their normal mode of transportation throughout the body is via the bloodstream. A disruption which is a type of break or gap will cause a deficiency of some type.

    The severity of the deficiency will normally depend on the stage in the development process (age), when the disruption occurs. Hormonal deficiencies to the fetus can cause many problems, one being inhibiting of fetal brain development. Lack of hormones in a pregnant woman can cause birth defects such as anogenital (shortening of the distance between anus and genital), hypospadias or epispadias (defects of the location of the penile opening) and many other birth defects, developmental disorders and even cancerous tumors.

    How do endocrine disruptors affect us?

    As we move up in age, disruptions can cause early onset of puberty in young girls, miscarriages to an expectant mother, tumors, many types of cancers and even death. These endocrine disruptors often mimic estrogen, and due to their similar composition are able to bind to the receptor sites. Once bound to the receptor sites these mimickers block the hormones from performing their specific role – thus a deficiency is created.

    What beauty and health products contain hormone disruptors?

    Parabens are synthetic chemicals used for generations as preservatives in deodorants, antiperspirants, shampoos, moisturizers, shaving gels, pharmaceuticals, toothpaste, food additives and makeup. Parabens are alkyl esters of parahydroxylbenzoic acid. Parabens have long allegations of being endocrine disruptors.

    Phthalates are produced when we react phthalic anhydride with alcohol(s), methanol (C1), Ethanol (C2) to tridecyl(C13). Phthalates are “plastic softeners” or plasticizers and are used in many applications ranging from: pharmaceutical industry (time release capsules) to personal care products, to adhesives, to waxes and glues, to children’s toys, to building materials and even to foods.

    Make better decisions by...

    Phthalates have been under scrutiny for many years with allegations of them being endocrine disruptors. Many travesties have occurred in peoples’ lives as a result of misinformation. We at AMG Naturally believe the more informed society is, the better decisions individuals will make. We teach people to read ingredient labels and to better understand what they are putting both in and on their bodies.

    Many different products have been thought to be endocrine disruptors. There are states where many products alleged to be endocrine disruptors have been “banned”, and “class action” lawsuits are now in place. The good news is, there is something we can all do about preventing these serious health problems. We should start with choosing cosmetic companies that design their products with the intention of “first do no harm”.

    If you care about your friends and family help educate them!

    We can all get involved in educating others. Ask your friends and family to read the blogs written by nutritionists at AMG Naturally, an all-natural, synthetic chemical-free line of anti-aging skin care products. Ask more people to visit our Facebook page and Like and Share. AMG Naturally is committed to keeping our products free of parabens and phthalates (possible endocrine disruptors) and all synthetic chemicals.

    Visit to learn more. Our blog on parabens summarizes the research you should be aware of. Our blog on phthalates does as well. Let’s get healthy, stay healthy and Age More Gracefully.

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  • Why Exfoliating is Important

    With spring finally here and summer on the way, it’s time to shed the layers and bare some skin; arms, legs, and face...well that is, if you’ve exfoliated!

    Why should you exfoliate?

    The reason we want to exfoliate is because as we age, the rate of cell turnover gradually slows. As a result, your skin becomes thin and fragile. The complexion of your skin becomes dull and loses its glow. Regular use of exfoliating products removes dead skin cells and speeds up epidermis renewal (your outer layer of skin). This will make your skin regain its youthful glow, as well as enhance the texture of your skin.

    How many days a week should you exfoliate?

    As important as it is to exfoliate, you must keep in mind what you put on your skin DOES matter! Exfoliate every 3 days to give your skin time to create new epidermal cells, and as a result, watch wrinkles soften while you and your skin look younger!

    What type of exfoliant you use DOES MATTER!

    Everyone loves to have soft glowing skin, but are you polishing your skin with plastic? You are if your facial scrub or exfoliant contains particles made from polyethylene. It’s a common exfoliating ingredient in popular products and many high-end products too. I just read the ingredients of a very well-known and trusted company that many of our mothers and grandmothers swear by. It promises to exfoliate with a home microdermabrasion system.

    The key ingredients are PEG-8, sodium bicarbonate, silica and Polysorbate 20. PEG is the abbreviation for propylene glycol. Polyethylene is similar. They are all synthetic chemicals, most of them are plastics. Do you want plastic skin or healthy skin?? How does skin breathe when it's covered with plastic?

    Use a more natural exfoliant

    Instead, AMG suggests products with jojoba beads (pronounced ho-ho-ba), like our Moringa Infused Apricot Exfoliant with Apricot and Jojoba Beads! It’s packed full of nutrients and plant-based Medical Grade ingredients to get the job done.

    Above: Jojoba Tree

    Unlike other plastic beads that are extremely hard and too abrasive; Jojoba beads come from the seeds of the Jojoba tree and is therefore completely natural, and remarkably effective...nature knows best! After exfoliating, make sure to follow up with our Moringa Infused Daily Moisturizer Cream and you will be ready to face any day. Top it off with the Elixir Oil to really glow all day.

    Just like the spring season brings out beautiful flowers, replace the old with the new! Winter got old fast, let's make sure your skin doesn't!

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    Phthalates are about as good for you as the word sounds.

    If a wacky scientist was to synthetically make them in a lab, here is what he would do:

    He would mix phthalic anhydride with alcohol(s): [Methanol (C1), Ethanol (C2), all the way up to Tridecyl (C13) with the resultant end product being phthalates. Phthalates are used primarily as softeners for polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a thick plastic that has gained wide spread use in the construction industry. It is the pipe that has replaced the old “cast iron” drainage lines.

    The industries of the world have discovered, just as we have, plasticizers (added to plastics to increase its flexibility, durability and longevity)[1]; we can add these same phthalates to many different products to obtain similarly desired results.

    Phthalates are used in many different applications ranging from: the pharmaceutical industry, (where the pills are coated), to personal care products, to adhesives, to waxes and glues, to children’s toys, to building materials, and even to foods. [2] This list is very small in comparison to all of phthalates many diverse usages.

    Phthalates are everywhere!

    Whether we look beneath the ground where plumbing pipes lay, on house walls which have been freshly painted, or in medicine cabinets where prescription bottles sit, phthalates have a presence.

    To make exceptional decisions, we must be first well informed. This is why we at AMG Naturally, have, and do, invest countless hours researching new resources, searching for natural, not synthetically produced PHTHALATES (which are inexpensive and easily accessible). But, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, phthalates may be causing many problems in the human body.

    AMG Naturally, has a commitment to keeping our products natural and phthalate free. You, the consumer deserve no less, and we plan to keep our commitment. So get ready for THE BEST PRODUCT ON THE MARKET- AMG Naturally!

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