Moringa Oleifera: Known as 'The Miracle Tree"
Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) is a tree native to India, and cultivated in tropical areas of the world.
It is considered the “miracle tree”, because all its parts (leaves, flowers, fruits, wood and seeds) are used mainly for their pharmacological and nutritional properties.
The crushed seeds are known for their very high capacity to purify drinking water.
The leaves of the tree are so nutrient dense they are an integral part of the WHO and FAO programs for feeding the poor in indigent countries.
In Ayurveda the moringa tree and its parts are used to treat over 300 ailments.
Moringa Oil Benefits
Moringa oil is very penetrating (contains 72% oleic acid, a known penetration enhancer) and drives nutrients deep into the skin because of it's similarity to sebum oil. This makes it recognizable by our body.
Extremely high in antioxidants such as gamma tocopherol.
One of the most stable oils because it never goes rancid – used as a lubricant in watches.
It’s built in antioxidants prevent it from oxidizing.
High in anti-inflammatories (polyphenols, flavonoids).
Antimicrobial: Tested against multiple bacteria:
1. Bacteria on the face increases aging of the skin.
2. Bacteria in wrinkles makes them more pronounced by causing inflammation, and making them more visible.